Division FAQs
U4 to U8 Programs
Answers to frequently asked clinic U4/U6 questions:
How long are clinic sessions?
Clinic sessions last one hour. The first 30 minutes is a trainer coordinated session focusing on “fun”damentals and skill building. The last 30 minutes is spent on a scrimmage against an opposing team. Scores are not kept. Pop-up nets are used. The focus is on positive reinforcement and practicing some of the skills taught earlier.
Do I need equipment for Clinic?
The club provides a soccer ball and the team jersey for all players. Players must have shin guards and can wear sneakers or cleats.
When are clinic sessions held?
The majority of the clinic sessions are held on Sundays. Typical start time is either 12:15 or 12:45. Each clinic is one hour.
What are the responsibilities of the volunteer coaches?
The volunteer coaches are our single greatest asset. We provide support via our trainer program to show the coaches how to build skills with young soccer players and learn how to manage a practice and game as the players grow from year to year. We are always seeking new volunteers. Don’t be shy. We provide a ton of support.
Do you give out ices and ice cream every season?
Absolutely. It is arguably the most important reason to join VOB. :) We like to kick the season off with ices for players and families and hold our free ice cream “Friday Fun Night” every single season. For our board members and coaches it is the most fun we have all season.
FAQ – U7 & U8 Intramural League
Answers to frequently asked U7/U8 Intramural League questions:
How long are the games?
All games are 12 minute quarters with a continuous clock. The junior refs keep the time on the field.
Are the games refereed?
All games are refereed by our junior refs, typically current VOB travel-aged players. We will whistle almost all calls (hand balls, out of bounds, etc) except for offsides. This is still an instructional level so discretion is used and supported by the club leadership in not always penalizing players for smaller infractions such as correct throw-ins, accidentally grabbing a ball just outside of the goalie box – particularly if this is a goalie learning the position. It is our expectation that opposing coaches would also help a learning player with a proper form or rule if they are closest. Remember, as a club we will all eventually be on the same team in the older age groups.
Is practice mandatory?
Practice at U7/U8 level is not mandatory, but it is highly encouraged to practice with your team at least once per week. St. Patrick’s fields are reserved for VOB Club soccer and you are permitted to use them throughout the week for practice sessions. In seasons past the Intramural coaches have worked together to coordinate group sessions as well. This assures a large enough number of attendees to run multiple drills and scrimmages
Do we keep score/standings?
We do not formally keep score or standings at this age level. We do though follow the 5 goal rule. If the scoring gap is 5 goals or greater, the winning team should switch to passing requirements (e.g. 5 pass minimum before a shot on net) before the team takes a shot on goal. This is ideally done in collaboration with the opposing coach. We also recommend balancing the teams to create a more competitive field of play in this instance as well.
General Intramural Facts
Teams field 4 players: 2 offense, 2 defense, NO goalies
Teams are single sex.
Girls and boys teams will potentially play against one another, although the schedule is weighted to play against your own gender.
Teams will switch sides at halftime.
We play on a modified “full field”. Approximately 40 yards X 25.
All games are typically held at either 2pm or 3:15.
Coaches and their teams are to be on the directly opposite sideline where all family/friends are seated.
There are no substitution requirements/minimums. Any player can be subbed in/out during a stop in play. We do ask that all coaches make their best effort to assure all players see the field a minimum of one half in total. Your least skilled players need as much field time to develop as your most-skilled players. Every skill level also benefits from watching the players coached on the field as plays are executed correctly.